As valued agents, you play an essential role in our brokerage, not just in your real estate endeavors, but also as role models and mentors to brand-new agents and those considering joining our team. Your guidance and experience are highly regarded, and we believe your input is invaluable in shaping the future of our community.
A couple of agents and I reached out to Shane several weeks ago. We had concerns that we wanted to address in regard to the brokerage and agent interactions. We decided to meet in person to talk and express our concerns. The inaugural AR agent roundtable was held on Wednesday, October 25th. Our initial focus is to tackle a challenge that has been close to our hearts - bringing us all back together for in-person events. We know that the post-COVID world has made it a struggle to gather, learn, and connect in the ways we used to. However, the brokerage's commitment to us remains strong, and we're all determined to find solutions.
One remarkable outcome of this meeting was the idea to launch an agent survey. Why? Because the brokerage genuinely cares about your thoughts and experiences. We understand that the current attendance rates at our lunch & learns, training sessions, and events are not where they used to be. This affects not only you but our AR family and the entire community.
The survey will be our first step in listening to your concerns, ideas, and suggestions. American Realty is aware that we need to mend what's broken, and we believe your input is the key to doing just that. This is a chance for you to let our AR support team know what motivates you, and what would encourage your attendance, and we can all be better served.
Click here to take the 4-question survey now:
We're excited to announce that we'll be holding these agent roundtable discussions on a monthly basis from now on. Together, we'll delve deeper into what drives us and work towards creating solutions that will reignite our sense of community and bring us closer than ever before.
Thank you for being an integral part of our American Realty family. Your input is invaluable, and together, we will make our future brighter.
Warm regards,
Angel Curry