Do you know that a seed of any type will only be a seed until it is planted in the soil? The seed can only grow if it is planted in the right soil, and if that seed is planted in very good and maintained soil, it can produce 100 times what it started out as.
I want you to think of yourself as the soil and the people in your life as the seed. We all have one job in this area. It is up to us to farm the soil so that others have the opportunity to grow—not to force them to grow but to give them an opportunity to grow.
Think of your spouse, children, or family members. What kind of soil have you prepared for them to grow in? I can guarantee you that if you provide an atmosphere and fertile soil for people to live in and love in ways that give them opportunities to grow, then they, as the seed, will have the nutrients to grow and change themselves.
This applies to any area of your life—in business, at home, or in the community. You just need to prepare the right soil for what you are trying to accomplish and then let the results come. But never be disappointed if you do not get a full crop every time. Sometimes, it takes many years for soil to produce great fruit.
Here at The American Mortgage Partners, we are always looking for opportunities to grow. We welcome you to come along in this journey with us as we plant seeds in the area of homeownership.
Gina Lemelin
Mortgage Loan Officer, American Mortgage Partners
NMLS#: 312349